Contemporary banks increasingly realize that customer orientation is a very important factor for their success in increasing their business performance in respect of customer treatment, customer focused bank structure and supporting customer with bank technology. Customer orientation focused on a strategy that can help them build strong relationships with their customers and increase their profits through the right management system and the application of customer-focused institutions to boost their business performance. Thus, the idea of customer orientation is found in relationship marketing theory which is intended to improve long term customer relationship by changing from transaction based marketing, with its emphasis on customer treatment with great care, to customer retention through effective management of customer relationships to cope with unstable business environments.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought unprecedented changes and transfor...
Countries undergoing democratic transitions experience a wide range of long-term outcomes. Dep...
Abstract: Innovations in assessing adaptability and resilience in vocational settings are c...
A field experiment was conducted in the early growing season (April- July) of 2014 at the Teaching and Research...
This study was carried out on the impact of media in creating politi...
Statement of the Problem
There is the need for the construction organisation to reflect and take decision on timely basis as the construc...
It is commonly believed that learning to spell English words demands an understanding of the relationship between sounds and let...
This study examined the role of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (ECCJ) in the protection of human rights in the West Afric...
It is well known that in order for a plant to protect itself, it creates certain compounds that...
The paper is about the foreign observers in presidential Election in Nigeria for 2015. I...